The nearer the Church closer to God.

Visual Enhancement Committee

The Visual Enhancement Committee

The Visual Enhancement Committee strives to create a worship space with character and beauty to foster good liturgy and awareness of the Holiness of our celebration, by reflecting on the Liturgical season to lead us to a deeper experience of the mystery hoping to instill deeper participation in the liturgy by those assembled.

Solemnity of St. Ann, July 26th 2022

We provide an ambiance of tranquility and beauty by using God’s natural creations such as plants, flowers, fabric, statuary, or other elements as appropriate to lift our hearts and minds to God in the liturgy.  

If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please contact Nell Drees at (757) 503.0396 or

  • St. Ann Parish Hall
  • (757) 503.0396
  • Nell Drees
Contact Organizer

St. Ann Parish History

Completed in 1858 St Ann is the oldest structure in the diocese in continual use as a Catholic Church.

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