The nearer the Church closer to God.

Set Up Ministry

A small group of volunteers rotates on a scheduled basis to set up the Parish Hall for Saturday Mass.  Arriving around 4:00 pm to ensure the Hall is open for early arriving parishioners, the volunteer turns on lights, sets the books for the readings, reviews the announcements, replaces burned candles, if necessary, sets up the tray with vessels and linens and carries it to the chest by the altar, and places the unconsecrated hosts and wine on the small table at the entrance.


At the end of Mass, the volunteer collects the offering and candle money, bags the money, and carries the pouch to the safe in the Church.  The volunteer turns off lights and ensures that the Hall is locked.  

If you are interested in participation in this ministry, please contact Mary Vidaurri at  (252) 426.7202 or

  • St. Ann Parish Hall
  • (252) 426.7202
  • Mary Vidaurri
Contact Organizer

St. Ann Parish History

Completed in 1858 St Ann is the oldest structure in the diocese in continual use as a Catholic Church.

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