The nearer the Church closer to God.

Eucharistic Ministry

Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion- also referred to as Eucharistic Ministers- are dedicated members of St. Ann Parish who responded to their baptismal call to service.  Eucharistic Ministers have the privilege of assisting the priest and deacon in reverently distributing the Eucharist at liturgical celebrations.  The Eucharistic Minister also brings communion to parishioners who are aged, sick, homebound, or unable to physically attend church.  Baptized and confirmed men and women of at least 18 years of age are eligible for this ministry.

Eucharistic Ministers have the privilege of assisting the priest and deacon in reverently distributing the Eucharist at liturgical celebrations

They should be persons who sincerely try to live the Gospel message in their communal and individual lives.  They should faithfully participate in the Sunday Eucharist and with God’s grace strive to live their faith in every aspect of their lives. Eucharistic Ministers are nominated by the Pastor and approved by the Bishop of Raleigh. Training is provided for all new Eucharistic Ministers.  

If you feel called to this ministry, please contact Michelle Benavides, Eucharistic Minister Coordinator, at (252) 482.2617,

  • Main Church + Parish Hall
  • (252) 415-0101
  • Michelle Benavides
Contact Organizer

St. Ann Parish History

Completed in 1858 St Ann is the oldest structure in the diocese in continual use as a Catholic Church.

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