The nearer the Church closer to God.

Hospitality Ministry

Bereavement Ministry

The mission of the Bereavement Ministry is to provide needed support to families who are grieving the death of a loved one.  Once informed of the death and scheduled Funeral Mass by the parish office, the Bereavement Ministry Coordinator contacts the bereaved family and guides the process of providing a reception to follow the funeral of the loved one.  

With the assistance of more than 25 volunteers, resources are organized to provide food and caring support for the family’s identified needs for this event.  At the reception, the committee members who offered special help set up the hall, arrange the food presentations, clean up, and pack the remaining food for the family.  To follow up, the Bereavement Ministry Coordinator is in contact with the bereaved to determine additional needs for spiritual and possibly material support.

Members of the Bereavement Ministry holding a reception after the funeral Mass.

To provide additional assistance, a key member of the ministry attends formal training that will enable grief support sessions to be offered.  Ideally, these sessions are with a small group of the bereaved in a series of eight sessions with appropriate material provided.  Grief support is established when there is sufficient interest and a commitment to participate in a more formal means of support.  

For additional information, contact Karen Harrington 252.435.4324 or Heidi Ross 860.617.0312 they are the Bereavement Ministry Coordinators.

  • St. Ann Parish Hall
  • K - 252.435.4324 or H - 860.617.0312
  • Karen Harrington & Heidi Ross
Contact Organizer

St. Ann Parish History

Completed in 1858 St Ann is the oldest structure in the diocese in continual use as a Catholic Church.

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