The Diocesan Traveling Monstrance visits Saint Ann and All Souls

While the Diocesan Traveling Monstrance visited St. Ann and All Souls, parishioners embraced the Lord's presence by planning a variety of endeavors.  The Blessed Sacrament brought the Catholic community together frequently and in varied locations.

Throughout June, July and August, 12 parishioners opened their homes to accommodate community Holy Hours.  Signing up for available time slots with Father Jairo, these parishioners invited others to join them in adoration for an hour. 

On August 6, 2024, St. Ann paid homage to the true Body and Blood of Our Lord by conducting a nine-hour Eucharistic Adoration utilizing the DiocesanTraveling Monstrance.   Adoration was open to the entire parish, and nine different ministries each sponsored one hour to insure Our Lord would have the minimum of two faithful adorers present at all times.  Members of the Faith Formation ministry read quotes regarding Our Lord’s presence during their visits.  After Benediction, a bilingual Mass was celebrated. 

Members of our community participate at the Holy Hour sponsored by the Hispanic Community.

In addition to sponsoring an hour, the Bereavement/HospitalityCommittee also coordinated a reception after Mass to culminate the day with fellowship (and delicious food).

On August the 7, All Souls welcomed the Traveling Monstrance to Columbia and hosted a Holy Hour followed by the celebration of the Mass and some fellowship.

Picture of the Diocesan Traveling Monstrance showing the Blessed Sacrament for public adoration at All Souls Mission in Columbia.

Our thanks to the following ministries for their involvement in making our nine-hour Adoration a success:   Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul, Eucharistic Ministry, Bereavement/Hospitality Ministry, Liturgical Readers, Women’s Club, Guardians of the Eucharistic, Faith Formation, and the Hispanic Community. 

We were so grateful the Lord gave us the opportunity to be in his presence to adore him in this magnificent Sacrament of Love.

Lynda Guthlein-Garguilo

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