Seminarian Robert Lane to begin his pastoral year at Saint Ann and All Souls

December 2, 2024

Dear parish family,

Please join me in welcoming to our parish community Seminarian Robert Lane. He has been assigned to our parish to have a pastoral year, something similar to an internship, allowing the seminarian to further develop his pastoral skills by being intricately involved in a parish community while under the supervision of the parish priest.

I firmly believe that this experience will enrich Rob and will contribute positively in his discernment of the priesthood. Saint Ann and All Souls will provide him with a different perspective of parish life in the Diocese of Raleigh.

Here are some interesting facts about him:

Seminary: St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach, FL.

Birth Date: October 11.

Home Parish: St. Raphael Catholic Church, Raleigh, NC.

High School: St. Thomas More Academy, Raleigh, NC (class of 2016).

Hobbies: Hiking, reading, baseball, geocaching.

Who influenced / inspired you to priesthood? My pastor Fr. Phil Hurley was a tremendous influence in my discernment process. He was one of the first people I talked to, and he generously guided me through many questions I had about my vocation.

What would you say to a young man who thinks he may have a vocation? Thank God! God calls us because He loves us. Offering God an open and joyful heart will pave the way for a healthy discernment. Deepen your prayer life. Talking to someone about your vocation is a critical and necessary step in discernment.

Favorite Scripture Passage: Luke 1:46-55 The Magnificat. God chooses Mary to bear His son, and we witness the explosion of joy and love in Mary’s response to God.

Favorite Saint: St. Rocco!

Very Rev. Jairo A. Maldonado-Pacheco, V.F

Dean of the Albemarle Deanery

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