Our Lord is there, waiting for you. 

Why Adoration?


Why go to Adoration?  Why spend time in an ‘empty’ church?  Because church is not empty; Our Lord is there, waiting for you.  He sits abandoned and forgotten in churches and tabernacles throughout the world,hoping you’ll take time from your busy schedule to visit with Him.

When I was young, my father would take me with him to visit his aunt.  Aunt Margaret never married, lived alone, and was elderly and frail.  When she answered the door, you saw a small, fragile woman.  As she caught sight of us, she visibly transformed:  her eyes and smile shown, and she seemed to lose years and gain life.  Visiting Aunt Margaret was a special treat for me.  She gave me her full and undivided attention to hear everything about my life, what I was doing and feeling.  Looking back, Ican see we gave her joy as well by simply remembering to visit. 

Imagine how infinitely greater Our Lord’s joy is when He sees us come to His door to spend time with Him, deliberately seeking to be in His presence.  He, too,gives us his undivided attention. 

“Could you not watch one hour with Me?”   Matthew 26:40

Each Thursday, immediately following the nine o’clock Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place until noon.    Committed Adorers(Guardians of the Eucharist) are needed to support and grow this ministry.  Our ultimate goal is to extend the hours of Adoration beyond noon; to accomplish this, your support is needed.  A minimum of two Guardians must be with our Lord at all times. 

Please prayerfully consider signing up for an hour each week – or an hour one Thursday each month. Please contact Lynda Garguilo at (252) 368-1125 or legg94@yahoo.com to sign up.  

Jesus withdrew to a quiet place to pray.  Let us imitate our Lord in all things.

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