"Behold, I make all things new."

August 28, 2024


I grew up in Colombia, South America, and did not have the chance of beholding the beauty of the changing of seasons. The arrival of spring as we celebrate the glory of the Lord's resurrection is an attestation to this most precious gift, the gift of a life in Christ and through Christ. It is amazing to think that even creation rejoices at the gift of the Lord’s resurrection. After the forty days of lent, in which we strived to prepare for the celebration of Easter by praying, fasting and almsgiving, our hearts rejoice at the news of Christ victory over pain, both physical and psychological, brokenness and death! Easter is a time when we shout the louder that the tomb is empty and that the lord is truly risen as he promised us.

This is a precious time to ponder about our own lives and to think how we can have anew beginning! But what is most important, how we can have a new beginning in Him. We know that the “Lord makes all things new.” Rev 21:5and that he is the beginning and the end of all things. He is the one in whom we can find the joy and peace that our hearts are longing for. I encourage you my dear friends to continue looking for him and when finding life burdensome and difficult, paya visit to the empty tomb and rejoice in the good news that he is alive and that he walks with you every step of the way.  


As a community of faith, we are also called to rejoice and proclaim with boldness the most amazing news of all time: Christ is risen! We are invited to preach this truth first and foremost by the example of our own lives, by a personal witness to his transforming presence. However, there other ways in which we can continue to share and shout this wonderful news. Having a presence on the internet enables our parish community to share the message of the Gospel making use of the technological advances of our time. This is why I am happy to present to the community at large our new website. It is a simple yet beautiful website that will enable us to be connected and be able to share our rich history,events, and let parishioners know about our ministries and how to get involved.I invite you to make use of it and to check it out regularly!

I pray that this precious time during the church’s liturgical calendar be an opportunity for a new beginning in our lives and a renewed desire to be true witnesses of the resurrection of the one who makes all things new.

Cor Unum in Deum,


Fr. Jairo

Very Rev. Jairo A. Maldonado-Pacheco, V.F

Dean of the Albemarle Deanery

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